Employee Management

Give your employees the autonomy they deserve.

Your employees are smart and excel at what they do. The Employee Management module is set up to give them the freedom everyone wants. It does this by housing everyone’s important information like contact information, documents, disciplinary notes by the manager, and corporate directory.


The Dashboard is the command center for everything most important to the user. For employees it shows PTO accruals, company news, time tracking, and the list goes on. If it's your dashboard it shows all of that plus, reporting charts, who’s in and out, and your “to-do” list. It helps save you time by keeping everyone organized.


Employee Database & Profiles

Owning and managing your employee’s information is key to being able to do your job. You can create new profiles, add custom fields like t-shirt size for company swag, update information in bulk, house job and salary history, and have a full view of your employees data.

Employee Databse and Profile

Disciplinary Tracking

Managing your employees can sometimes be hard when something against company policy happens. Disciplinary tracking allows your team to not miss seeing patterns of behavior from an employee like being late to work consistently. You can take note of your conversations with them and track their improvements.

Disciplinary Tracking

Organization Chart

Giving your employee a way to see the entire company’s layout is powerful because it helps give context to how your organization works. No longer will you need to answer, “wait who reports to whom?” Because you can direct them to the company’s Organization Chart.

Org Chart

Corporate Directory

Don’t field one off questions by your team about which person reports to which manager or what is so and so’s telephone number. With the Corporate Directory, you can see everyone’s address, phone number, email address, job title, and more.

Corporate Directory

Document Templates

Managing all of the important documents of your employees with a filing cabinet isn’t easy, in fact it's flat out stressful. With Document Templates, you are able to house documents like contract letters, termination letters, promotion contracts, and be able to export them as a PDF if you ever need to print them out.

Document Templates

Orange Buzz

Orange Buzz is an internal social media platform that allows your employees to share updates within the company easily. It also allows you to give Kudos to your colleagues so that everyone in the company can see and appreciate the work of every individual. Not to mention, seeing that an employee's work is appreciated and noticed is always a great motivator for higher performance.

Orange Buzz

Check out what else you can do with People Management.